Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Salty Senorita Ole!

Hello Father Mother family friends conocidos y todos que me conocen! Well we got the changes and big Lu and I are staying together in Zeballos so I'm pretty excited! Also the whole baptism didn't go down Sunday it was crazy. I had to baptize him like 5 times but he kept kicking his feet out of the water and he wouldn't put his head in the water haha it was crazy but ya he never got his whole body under the water so we will see what happens. Other than that not much else is going on, all of our converts are doing sick here in Zeballos. I'm very happy tha I am staying, I have a really good feeling that we will have alot of success this change. Not to much else going on, sorry I haven't been answering to many of your questions lately. about shoes and everything please don't send me any, and I don't need any when I get home I have my crocodile shoes haha I think this week or next I will buy the suit. How much do I have to take out? Also with packages for Christmas please don't send anything! I will have like 3 months left after Christmas, If you want you can send money, I want to buy a few things for everyone but seriously I don't want any candy or anything I can wait three months. Also I don't need an ipod, Tracie has my ipod. Again please don't send anything, you can send like pictures and letters but I will need nothing for Christmas.also I got the letters and pics from the cabin they were tight! I loved them! I hope all is well and that everyone is doing great. You are all in my prayers. stay happy stay safe! peace! Elder Burr also tell Salty SeƱorita to write! That's way sick that you talked to her!

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