Tuesday, April 6, 2010

One other thing!

I don't think I've got the package yet. Any who well lots of crazy news first off you know how blondness runs in the family, I found my debit card haha sorry about that I felt pretty sheepish. Also I am now in another new area close to Asuncion called Salado with my new comp Elder Sperry from Idaho. We are living with two other missionaries who are from Chile and Mexico.This area is another tough one and the missionary that was last here left us with a big fat 0 for Inv so we have been looking and looking but we will have success I know it. Any who G conference was way sweet and we were able to bring a few people to see it that aren't members so we were blessed. My comp and I are working like crazy trying to get the members involved with us. This area has a beautiful brand new church that is bigger than the u.s churches its incredible. I really like this area though and I know that if we work as hard as we can we will have the help of the lord and we will baptize. I love how you said you just got your blood taken because so did I haha my comp and I just got back from the doctor in Asuncion. I might have Dagny not really sure how to say it in English or if that even is English. You get it from mosquito's. Anyway during the Saturday session of GC my head was throbbing and last night I never fell asleep so I called hermana Wade to see what she thought and ya long story short I'm waiting until 330 to here what my results are. I don't want to write to much because i want to try and send you some pics tonight and ya so any who I hope all is well! I'm pretty pumped to hit a year and i still cant believe I'm doing it! PS my trainer Elder brown got called to be assistant! love always Elder Burr